Monday, October 21, 2013

Blue- a Fisherman's story.....

On an isolated patch of a beautiful beach this Sunday, we happened across a Fisherman casting his net.

 Then we were intrigued by this guy sitting on a sandbank in the shallows gazing out into the Adriatic
 Afterwards our stroll took us to this Character patiently and lovingly drawing in his net; we watched awhile with him - eager to see what his catch contained ....


 Lovingly ....
 Tenderly ....

 yet Disappointedly....

 Two Tiddlers were his prize!!!!!
....And so he left them flapping around on the sand ; gathered up his Pride and headed off 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Keeping Autumn Real.....

now how do you make Autumn an interesting  story ; when you want to be creative and remain interesting in the blog stratosphere ???? Well it is not an easy tightrope to walk but this might be cool to see ; a wonderful Autumnal spider - Prolific in the south east at this time of year ; well whatever!!!! you be the judge ...this comes with love x