Saturday, November 2, 2013

Sweet Apple Autumn

When traveling through Bitola (which is in Northern Macedonia) This is one of our favourite villages.
It must be the centre of the European Apple Industry and because of  the amazing Autumn we have had- there was an especially bumper harvest this year....So you can imagine we took delight in snapping our way through the town.

I wanted to create a story in this blog of Balkan Architecture....and I couldn't do it on a better day !
 Soon the beauty of all these vintage buildings will disappear , but not from our eye - if we capture the Nostalgia of a by-gone era....

 While taking shots of this pretty thing !  an old Lady came running up the drive of her house, which was situated next door ; One of two scenarios might unfold, she would be very cross at me being so bold / she might think I wanted to purchase the abode....
 instead she wanted to invite me in for Tea !!!! oh how wonderful....but we could not communicate with one another ! however she did allow me to take her Photo, Imagine how gutted I was to find she closed her eyes at the wrong moment , still - what a story she could have relayed of her life and all the journeying that has gone on . You can see it at a glance in her amazing face.............

 This is the house we want to live in if we had the resources to rejuvenate her glory..

 Adjacent Farm buildings , falling into disrepair...

This could be a cottage in deepest Surrey !!!!
Onward we travelled through two more be continued.....

Monday, October 21, 2013

Blue- a Fisherman's story.....

On an isolated patch of a beautiful beach this Sunday, we happened across a Fisherman casting his net.

 Then we were intrigued by this guy sitting on a sandbank in the shallows gazing out into the Adriatic
 Afterwards our stroll took us to this Character patiently and lovingly drawing in his net; we watched awhile with him - eager to see what his catch contained ....


 Lovingly ....
 Tenderly ....

 yet Disappointedly....

 Two Tiddlers were his prize!!!!!
....And so he left them flapping around on the sand ; gathered up his Pride and headed off 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Keeping Autumn Real.....

now how do you make Autumn an interesting  story ; when you want to be creative and remain interesting in the blog stratosphere ???? Well it is not an easy tightrope to walk but this might be cool to see ; a wonderful Autumnal spider - Prolific in the south east at this time of year ; well whatever!!!! you be the judge ...this comes with love x

Monday, September 30, 2013

flowers for the Lady!!!!!

Before the weekend , I was at the local market - buying some fruit and vegetables in the middle of the array were some beautiful blooms that I thought were for my embarrassment the owner said ' they were for decoration'.... Then when I was paying for my purchases he handed them to me ...Gratis! how wonderful and what a surprise . so I enjoyed the riot of colour and it set me up for the Autumn as well as being a fun blog project .....