Sunday, January 29, 2012

 The season is Winter  ... the day is Sunday ... and I want to live the simple life ; passing the heritage onto my grandchildren....
 Pleasure for me is easy , walking by the sea , beach combing is joy enough ... and capturing moments of fun!!!!

majestic Mount Olympus in the background
 the beauty of a deserted beach ... but why does no-one else seize the moment ???

 beaching combing me ! , against an amazing sky
 treasure in abundance
 silver sea
 small human!
great company ...these little ones know how to use their imagination ; oh the games they play...

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Visual insight

We are well into January ; can't believe it , but I suppose none of us can believe how time flies , so had better make the most of it !!!!!
Thought I would give you a visual insight into me and the things that I love and are inspiring - better than boring you with words / words words - please enjoy and give any feedback if so desired x

 This is a beautiful scene , having amazing depth and mystery ... it is somewhere in the Lebanon which happens to be one of the destinations in this journey of mine , not sure when it will happen but I am waiting patiently with great anticipation nevertheless.

I thought you might find this amusing !!!
 my alterego or heroine before I married was to be Tess of the D'Ubervilles..... phew! glad I got that out my system..... Thankfully anything Edwardian has never left me and I would ADORE to wear this and mince around like her !

 I love this dessert .... <3

 This gives an insight into our home in the mountains -yeaaahhhhh

 My three maidens - not quite the same personalities but same dreamy / and beautiful styles ....

 I took this ; .....I still love taking pics of odd scenarios and this one exists up the valley in the part of Albania I am increasingly finding my life 

The vision of my courtyard , nicely being realised....

 SOON I will see the Northern lights - it has ALWAYS been a dream of mine 

A project that is next on my timetable / agenda to complete , I have some embroidery , done years ago that will look like this when finished . Well worth the wait !!!!!

check out my Pinterest for all the sources and websites.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A new year

I suspect that some of you out there ; are like me, loving the build up to Christmas and yet looking forward even more to the new year .... new year =  fresh start .
I love getting a new diary and with a beautiful pen on a clean blank page - thinking and writing about new ideas/ dreams and motivations for the immediate future .

  Blogging!   another 'new' thing - hope it will continue and flow freely in this coming year .

We had a joyful Christmas , probably the last in a season when we were all together ,
We spent the holiday up a mountain in our place which is increasingly becoming 'home',

Then after a few days we all piled into 2 cars and drove to Istanbul !!! yeah ;  Istanbul in the winter and new year fireworks over the Bosphorus  - magical ....

I don't take this life for granted , I am very privileged ...
Now we say goodbye to our middle daughter , embarking on a new phase in her life moving with her family to England .
Our eldest daughter is continuing her 'mobile' adventure and our youngest is settled more and more in Manchester .

...So the River floweth .....